Saturday, January 21, 2012

On our way! Or so we hope...

So after many harassing phone calls to the clinic and agency, we finally have a consultation appointment with the RE (reproductive endocrinologist). Monday, September 26th at 11:00am it is! I'm so dang excited. The guys are hoping to fly out to NYC, spend a day or two there and then make their way to PA for our appointment. I really can not wait to finally meet them. Hoping I can convince them to stop by Kingston, PA on their way to the hotel near the clinic, and hang out at my house for a meal and visit!

Course the clinic shot down my hopes that we could possibly transfer in October. But let me tell you what, they didn't diminish them. We still have a chance. Our appointment will be before my second Day 1 and if we can get Dr. Barmat to write up a "plan of action" soon, then we can start Loopy Lupron in time for me to catch my cycle!

The guys are also working on finding an egg donor who already has all her testing up to date so that once they get the contract done with her, we can be off off and away!

The way IVF works with a fresh cycle is the surrogate's uterus has to be ready and waiting for the embryos. So my ovaries have to be suppressed before the egg donor starts stimming her ovaries for the egg retrieval. Once the egg donor gets close to having her eggs retrieved, I will stop the Lupron and start the Progesterone (usually the day before a retrieval).

I'm so excited for these guys! They have so much happening in the next few months that adding something as exciting as a pregnancy would be icing on their cake.

Cross our fingers that my persuasive self can convince all the "team players" that October should be a GO.

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